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60 matches for lures


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Lure Update
LURES Lure-It Aerosols.  Our Lure-It aerosol lures for possums, rodents and mustelids continue to prove a very popular choice by Councils to Contra...

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Comprehensive Guide to Possum Control: Unpacking Connovation's Diverse Lure Offerings
Possums can not only be a nuisance but are also a threat to New Zealand’s biodiversity, affecting native wildlife and vegetation. Effective control...

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Product Info
EPA Application Form Download the Environmental Protection Authority application form to use Bait-Rite Paste for Feral Pig Control on private land....

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Best Practice
Best Practice by Pest Feral Pigs Best Practice for Bait-Rite Feral Cats Best Practice for PredaSTOP Mustelids Stoat PredaSTOP (PAPP) Bait Maki...

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Three World-Leading Predator Eradication Technology
World-leading predator eradication and surveillance tools developed in Aotearoa New Zealand are among the latest products ready to help eradicate r...

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