Stoat Lures - Smells and Visuals
What is a lure?
Lures attract target animals to bait stations or traps. Lures can be:
- a smell
- edible (with a smell)
- visual.
Stoat lures - smells and visuals
Attract stoats and other mustelids (ferrets and weasels) to traps and bait stations with our range of non-toxic lures that smell. A whiff of salmon or the smell of rabbit meat is well worth investigating for a stoat, ferret, or weasel.
Our stoat lures come in:
- bottles – concentrated form or handy pump bottles
- aerosol sprays
- scented hard lures – made from cereal or terracotta that fit into a range of stoat traps
rabbit-based paste and dried jerky blocks – for a different but equally appealing scented lure.
For more options, see our range of stoat lures that are edible and stoat control products.